Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Life goes on

We said good-bye.....

... and then hello.

In God's sovereign, ironic timing, we said good-bye to my Papa on the 21st. Less than 36 hours later, on the 23rd, we said hello to my new nephew, Ephram Brant Wilson.

We all rejoiced over the safe arrival of Ephram. But I'm pretty sure that his arrival took our breath away! When I called my best friend to let her know of Ephram's birth, I way completely overwhelmed by the emotions I was going through. A minute before hearing of Ephram's birth, I had been on the phone with one of my Papa's dear friends.

Last Christmas, at my Uncle's funeral service, my mom (or maybe it was Shannon?) rubbed Megan's belly, and asked Papa what he thought about that new baby (his 6th great-grandchild). Papa shrugged his shoulders and said, "Life goes on."

And since I know Papa's words are true, I rejoice and mourn, cry happy and sad tears at the same time, and go on with my life, thankful that the Lord giveth, and taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

1 comment:

LaFollette Crew said...

Oh Kierstyn, I love this blog! I am sitting here crying with you. What a beautiful illustration of the circle of life. Your papa looks adorable and of course baby Ephram.